Dear Bridge community,
Bridge Mutual ($BMI) is teaming up with Royale Finance to strengthen the security of Royale’s ecosystem. Both projects are particular about protecting its users; we believe the integration of Bridge Mutual’s risk coverage platform will be a valuable component to creating a safe gaming environment for Royale users. Royale will also be integrating the Bridge Mutual coverage widget onto their platform so that their users can easily cover their activities on Royale without ever having to leave the Royale app.
“While the blockchain is a fairly safe system, it is not completely impervious. Since its inception, there have been issues of compromised systems and ineffective smart contracts that have led to painful losses for many users. With the integration of the Bridge Mutual Widget, we hope to provide our Royalety with the option to insure their transactions and protect themselves against any unforeseen circumstance.” — Matthew Armstrong, COO Royale
The integration of Bridge Mutual’s widget is a front-end element that is directly connected to Royale Finance pools meaning the coverage option is available to all users of the Royale ecosystem. Both claims assessment and investment of funds are on-chain and audit-able by the public.
“As blockchain technology evolves, malicious actors upgrade their tools to keep up with new security features. Therefore our risk coverage is becoming a big priority for many users in this space. We recognize this need and our partnership with Royale Finance illustrates what we hope to accomplish with many other blockchain ecosystems in the industry: easily accessible decentralized risk coverage.” — Mike Miglio — CEO
There are many risks involved in dealing with blockchain ecosystems especially considering the threat of poorly coded smart contracts, system hacks or other exploits. Bridge Mutual is more than happy to integrate our decentralized risk coverage solution that will further protect Royale’s users.
About Royale Finance
Royale Finance is an industry-focused decentralized lending protocol. Its purpose is to create Web 3.0 smart-backed funding solutions using De-Fi primitives in order to support the innovation of iGaming products and platforms. The combination of iGaming rewards, uncorrelated to De-Fi crypto assets but powered by base layer De-Fi protocols is something we call iG DeFi.
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About Bridge Mutual
Bridge Mutual is a decentralized, discretionary coverage platform that seeks to offer blockchain network participants insurance coverage against risks associated with Smart Contracts, Stablecoins, Exchanges. Bridge Mutual aims to boost investor’s confidence and trust across blockchain platforms by providing users with easy access to risk coverage through its widget integration and utility incentives via its profit-sharing apparatus.
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