Taking off with another AI- integrated partnership, Bridge Mutual ($BMI) will be providing coverage for Rocket Vault, a smart vault system powered by advanced AI & ML algorithms to come up with intelligent strategies to maximize gains and minimize risks.
Rocket Vault is the brainchild of a few dedicated experts from around the world and this system is powered by advanced AI and Machine Learning Algorithms which adopt a data-driven approach to originate unique vault strategies to minimize losses and maximize gains to provide the best APY.
With Rocket Vault’s plan to ambitious AI functions, Bridge Mutual will create a Rocket Vault Coverage Pool for their Liquidity Mining Launch. In return, Rocket Vault will commit DAI and RVF tokens into its own Coverage Pool to allow users to purchase coverage. With the direct integration of Bridge Mutual’s widget, RocketVault can adopt a new mindset of trust and security in its platform. For users, this means a frictionless coverage purchasing experience directly from the Rocket Vault application.
“We are absolutely delighted to partner with Bridge Mutual to offer add-on coverage to the Rocket Vault users to safeguard their tokens Staked/Deposited in the Rocket Vault. The option to directly access the bridge mutual from with in Rocket Vault’s application makes it really easy for users to enroll to an add-on coverage”
— Kiran M, Founder & CEO of Rocket Vault)
“Rocket Vault is creating an impressive project with advanced vault performance. With its team of experts who dedicate their time to Rocket Vault’s integration of AI and machine learning, Bridge Mutual plans to put the fear of inevitable security risks at ease.”
— Mike Miglio, CEO of Bridge Mutual
About Rocket Vault
Rocket Vault is a one-stop solution to simplify crypto value investing. Its Smart Vault is powered by advanced predictive analytics and machine learning and integrates with leading crypto currency exchanges. Rocket Vault uses advanced Machine Learning to identify tokens with high investment potential for delivering highest APY in stable coins.
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About Bridge Mutual
Bridge Mutual is a decentralized, p2p/p2b discretionary risk coverage platform that provides coverage for stablecoins, centralized exchanges, and smart contracts. Its platform allows users to provide coverage, decide on policy payouts, as well as share profit and get compensated for adjudicating claims.
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