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Bridge Mutual releases official Audit Report

Monday June 28 2021, 12.00pm

The Bridge Mutual team is excited to announce its official Audit Report release. The BMI team is dedicated towards maintaining the highest standards of security and transparency, therefore, they have decided to work with one of the top auditors: Zokyo Security, a leading blockchain security company within the Blockchain space. Zokyo auditing worked in parallel to a $2,000,000 USD bug bounty released on the ImmuneFi platform.

Following March 2021 when the first internal audit was completed, Bridge Mutual commissioned another audit from Zokyo Security to cross-check the entire auditing effort and verify the security of the updated code. After the second audit by Zokyo was finished, it was officially confirmed that all the bugs that were found have been fixed and confirmed that Bridge Mutual remains a safe project in respect to their highest knowledge and efforts.

Parallel to commissioning the audit from Zokyo, BridgeMutual launched a bug bounty on the Immunefi platform with over $2,000,000 USD in rewards to receive collective feedback from the developer’s community, and effectively assess where other fixes could be made. The ImmuneFi community found a couple of bugs since the launch of the bug bounty, all of which have been fixed immediately. The BMI team has decided to keep the bug bounty program open indefinitely in order to continuously receive bug notifications from the developer’s community (and fix them).

According to Zokyo Security, the audit certifies that all issues found were successfully fixed and additional issues found were resolved by Bridge Mutual developers so they will not bear any risk for the end-user.

“Zokyo Security advocates continuous security provision processes among our clients. In the light of that, it’s been a true pleasure to interactively and iteratively get this report to fruition. It has taken us cycles of productive work with the Bridge Mutual tech and quality assurance teams for them to have enough time to solidify the layers of security. We definitely admire the fact that the Bridge Mutual team did take the security seriously and did not try to leverage the security for speculative purposes.”

— Zokyo Security

Bridge Mutual plans to keep the engagement with Zokyo Security to continuously increase the quality of their security standards moving forward.

You can participate in Bridge Mutual’s growth by getting your token on Uniswap or Bitfinex and staking it for rewards within Bridge Mutual’s application. For a detailed walk-through of Bridge Mutual’s innovative system, visit the official Bridge Mutual Youtube channel. To review the official audit report, visit here.

Why Zokyo?

Security is always our top priority. Zokyo is run by the engineers that built, ran or secured some of the largest cryptocurrency companies to date.

Our team consists of crypto industry pioneers, veteran ethical hackers that have earned bounties from several Fortune 200 companies including (Uber, Paypal, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc), designers, engineers, tokenomic experts, advanced crypto traders, and experienced investors.

Our founder, Hartej Sawhney, co-founded Hosho, ranked #1 Smart Contract Auditor in 2019 by Forbes.

As industry pioneers, our team has played a key role in elevating standards in the digital asset ecosystem and introducing products and services that have set the industry benchmark for security, transparency, and compliance. Zokyo’s efforts have been recognized as paving the way for the ongoing institutionalization of the industry.

About Bridge Mutual

Bridge Mutual is a decentralized, p2p/p2b discretionary risk coverage platform that provides coverage for stablecoins, centralized exchanges, and smart contracts. Its platform allows users to provide coverage, decide on policy payouts, as well as share profit and get compensated for adjudicating claims.

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