Bridge Mutual ($BMI) and VENT Finance confirm a partnership for Ventup users to have risk coverage options for their investments.
As an IDO launchpad that offers more than access to capital for game-changing startups, Ventup is built as a community-based Launchpad. This design enables innovative decentralized blockchain projects to access a decentralized source of crowdfunding as well as build a community of believers in the project’s future.
With the inevitable risks, hacks, and exploits in the DeFi space, Bridge Mutual and VENT Finance plan to establish a much safer and transparent ecosystem. By using a decentralized form of a risk coverage system, investors prospecting for gems on Ventup will be able to seek coverage options with Bridge Mutual’s application.
By providing coverage on smart contracts, Bridge Mutual will enable users to safeguard their activities on Ventup. As the source of crowdfunding for decentralized applications that run primarily on smart contracts, Bridge Mutual will help achieve the mission of building a shielded army against risks, hacks, and even rug pulls.
“The partnership between the Ventup launchpad and Bridge Mutual will introduce adequate risk management for investors looking to lock their funds in decentralized protocols. This will truly be a game-changer for IDO investors who previously have had to rely on centralized insurance solutions that feature costly premiums.”
— Alexander Kunzmann, CEO of VENT Finance
“Bridge Mutual is excited to partner up with Ventup. As an empowering and technologically advanced team, Ventup opens doors for startups and investors. We really believe that Bridge Mutual and Ventup can set the standards for decentralized coverage and launchpad.”
— Mike Miglio, CEO of Bridge Mutual
About VENT Finance
The Ventup launchpad turns ideas into successful growth journeys. It’s where founders share innovative blockchain projects with the communities that will join forces to fund them.
VENT is empowering startups and investors with technology that supports sustainable growth. We work to make decentralized funding simple and accessible as we believe in financial inclusion and an economy where innovation can benefit society as a whole.
Combining simplicity, security, and transparency, we are determined to reset the world’s expectations of what a decentralized launchpad is and help evolve the reputation and maturity of the DeFi space and crypto ecosystem.
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About Bridge Mutual
Bridge Mutual is a decentralized, p2p/p2b discretionary risk coverage platform that provides coverage for stablecoins, centralized exchanges, and smart contracts. Its platform allows users to provide coverage, decide on policy payouts, as well as share profit and get compensated for adjudicating claims.
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